I’m a Bag Lady

I’m a bag lady…..is the realization that I have just come to.

I’d like you to know,  I’m not a homeless bag lady. So, that’s a good thing. But I use those plastic grocery bags more than I’d like to admit. For instance, I have bags OF bags hanging on doorknobs in my home as do most people. Well, maybe they aren’t on everyone’s doorknobs, but mine are.

With most people, I’m sure the bags stop there but not me. When I straighten a room, I put things in those plastic bags to deal with later. So not only do I have bags of bags, I have bags of “stuff to deal with later” which could be anything from medications to take to the police station to dispose of, to the stuff I took out of my purse that I had no idea what to do with at the time I changed purses. And I use those bags in my little trash cans too! It’s absurd how these bags have taken over along with the paper (see my other post about paper). There is no telling what you might find in a plastic grocery bag at my house! New clothes or shoes, items bought to give away, or items to send back to their rightful owners that someone left here, something that needs to be returned to the store, you name it, it’s probably in a bag here. And if it isn’t in one now, it either was or will be.

This is not even to mention the tote bags full of books or knitting and crocheting projects.

I think it might be time to clear out the paper AND bags and give everything in the bags a new home.

Frankly, if my house ever caught on fire, it would probably burn and melt very quickly at this point.


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